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Poster code: STAR 111

Title: Partial Solar Eclipse 2009

Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Photography Description / 照片说明:

This photograph depicts a partial solar eclipse that occurred on January 26th, 2009. It was also the first day of the Chinese New Year, and while most people were visiting friends and family, the photographer and a friend found a location in Kuala Lumpur to capture this rare phenomenon. The image was created using multiple exposures and post-processing techniques, with both the sun and the cityscape captured using the same telephoto lens.


Material: Canvas Poster with Poster Frame in size
Option 1: A3 (297mm X 420mm)
Option 2: A2 (420mm X 594mm)
Option 3: A1 (594mm X 840mm)
Option 4: A0 (840mm X 1188mm)

Poster color is guaranteed not to fade for Five years, one to one replacement if color faded.

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